Crank by Ellen Hopkins
My rating: 2 of 5 stockings
I can relate to this novel from a thrid person account (one of my immediate family members is a drug addict currently seeking help) and from a first person account (being pregnant at 17). I honestly did not enjoy the writing style, the mother seemed too self absorbed, the broken sentences pissed me off to the point of rants. The story was uncaptivating, I only finished this novel because I like to follow through. I read a few pages to my husband and my mother, to justify my rants on how horrid it was and oddly enough they agreed.
My friends recommended this series to me, and I love them so I took the time. I do see why they liked the novel both those friends have addictions, so I take it, it makes them feel hope that they're not the only ones battling demons. Good book ... just not for me... 2 stockings.
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