My rating: 5 of 5 stockings
Kudos to Beth Ziesenis and her overall awesomeness in making this novel. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for my personal free/signed copy, which I call one-of-a-kind a) because it's signed with my name and b) pages 193-200 are printed upside down <3. Now that personal!
Upgrade to Free: The Best Free & Low-Cost Online Tools and Apps, is honestly the first of it's kind that I've read. It's so well written and structured that if you didn't want to read the whole novel and just try and find free security tools. You'd just have to get to number 17 turn to page 168 and have your pick of what's what.
There is no way of getting lost in this book it's written for everyone from a internet "noob" to a computer "techy". Another thing I must point out is all the descriptions, the longest one if I recall correctly was merely two pages and most if not all was a quote. It's better to keep things short when it comes to these things.
I have personally tried out a few of the organizing tools found in here (on my dead pc)I had found a few that I liked. Although now that I have a new laptop I get to personalize it with he help of Beth Ziesenis' low cost solutions through her novel and forum . This I must say is deserving to go on my shelf (my fav books aka, re-readable), I recommend it for anyone who loves organization.
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